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We’re here to
help you scale.

Every business faces growing pains. It’s part of reaching the next level. As your demand rises, we’ll make growth easier by providing capital for your supply.

Purchase Order Financing: Explained

Purchase Order Financing: Explained

You might be a startup, a small business on your way to bigger things, or a larger business looking to reach the next level. Liquidity is a...


How does our process differ?

Our process allows you to digitally upload your company information, funding requirements, and quickly receive an offer. We are a rapid, non-dilutive way to scale your business.  We don’t charge a monthly interest rate, we don’t require monthly payments. In this partnership, we get paid when you get paid

How do I get started?

Provide us some basic information on our website form. We will respond quickly with any additional questions.

Provided you’re a good fit, you’ll receive an invitation to our digital application.

How does the digital application work?

Our digital process is invitation only. It allows you to upload documents about your company’s finances and who is buying your product. This allows us to quickly respond with a funding option.

Digital onboarding is straightforward:

  • Creating an account
  • Review our Terms of Service
  • Confirm your company information
  • Upload documents to help us understand your finances
  • Describe your funding needs. Who is your end-buyer, open purchase orders, and manufacturers you use.

The more information we have, the more confidently we can work together.

Once complete, our account team will review and propose a solution that best fits your needs.

How do I qualify? What about my credit?

Setscale’s unique model takes a holistic approach to assessing your company’s financial needs. We’re not focused entirely on the size of your previous transactions – we incorporate manufacturing history and the quality of your end buyers. Credit is only a part of the equation. Outstanding purchase orders, sales agreements with your customers and suppliers, and a proven track record are all significant aspects of our assessment.

Can I repeat funding my purchase orders?

Yes! Setscale’s job is to help you grow your business. Our product is designed to repeatedly fund your purchase orders, or continued online sell-through, quickly and efficiently.

What are Setscale’s repayment terms?

This is one of the most favorable and unique elements of our partnership. Each transaction is viewed individually. This means that the funding and settlement for each transaction happens in full at their open and close. Upon the completion of your sale/delivery of the funded product, you and Setscale get paid together.