We’re here to
help you scale.
Every business faces growing pains. It’s part of reaching the next level. As your demand rises, we’ll make growth easier by providing capital for your supply.
Purchase Order Financing vs. Supply Chain Finance: What’s the Difference?
Growing a business is never straightforward. Therefore, it’s important to find ways to increase revenue and liquidity by creating more...
Government Purchase Order Financing: Explained
Selling goods to the US government is a desirable opportunity for businesses of all sizes. In 2022, the federal government awarded a total...
How to Use Purchase Order Financing as a Startup
Creating a startup is not an endeavor for the faint of heart. To make it as an entrepreneur means taking on risks, having a clear vision and...
Apparel Purchase Order Financing: Explained
The apparel industry is populated with ambitious, creative entrepreneurs who regularly deal with conflicting demands. Trying to maintain a...
Setscale Launches Out of Stealth with ~$80m Equity and Debt Raised
Today we announced our $9.5M seed funding round, as well as the news of having secured up to $70M in debt. It’s an exciting day for us to...
How PO Financing Helps Address Supply Chain Issues
Supply chains underpin the fabric of the modern economy. They influence a business’s efficiency, how it manages total costs and risks, and...
PO Financing vs Working Capital Loans: What’s the Difference
For startups, medium-size businesses or large enterprises alike, greater demand does not always turn into business growth. While more...
Purchase Order Financing: Explained
You might be a startup, a small business on your way to bigger things, or a larger business looking to reach the next level. Liquidity is a...
Is PO Financing Right For Your Company?
The problems affecting businesses trying to scale can be difficult to navigate. When a large new purchase order comes through, it should be...
How PO Financing Is Different Than Factoring
For determined business owners, keeping things afloat can be a challenge a lot of the time. Cash needs to be on hand for open orders that...